Top 10 iOS Developers in Edmonton
Currently the fight of operating systems focuses more on the Smartphones. The fight to dominate the world of software for the smartphone is something indubitable, android and iOS, are the ones that are at the top. If you are here to get information regarding the best iOS developers in Edmonton, check out our extensively researched […]
Key Benefits of Creating an Enterprise Mobile App for Your Business
The increasing use of smart devices has caused the development of an application for your company to become a strategy that can bring great advantages to the business. The adaptation to the mobile environment is necessary if we want to adjust to the new habits of the users. Every day, more businesses decide to have […]
Understanding the Value of UI Design for Mobile Apps
Let’s start with the definition of what an interface is. An interface is an interaction mechanism of the two systems. From this point, a user interface is an interface created to facilitate direct interaction between a system and a user. In the display of a device, there are two common types of user interfaces: The […]
IoT Transforming Hospitality Industry
IoT, Internet of Things The internet of Things or IoT refers to a system that comprises of interrelated computing devices, objects, UIDs including animals or people with unique identifiers, machines that can be mechanical or digital and capable of transferring data over network that does not requires any kind of interaction inclosing human to human […]
Utilization of the Internet of Things in Smart Cities
The Internet of Things (also known as the Internet of Things or IoT) is a concept that refers to the interconnection of everyday elements with each other and through the Internet. This concept is gradually taking shape in our environment, it is in full evolution and on which new projects arise daily. One of the […]
Convert Visitors into Active Users by Improving App’s User Experience
Currently, user experience on mobile devices is essential to make a visitor an active user. That is, not only the user decides to download and install the application, but after the first use decides to use the application again and again. This implies that the first user experience must be optimal, thus becoming an active […]
What is the Internet of Things and how it affects your daily life
The internet has become an indispensable aspect of our daily routines, evolving at an impressive pace over the past two decades. In fact, from 1995 until 2016, the number of internet users spiked from 44 million to 3.4 billion – and it shows no signs of slowing down! You may have heard about “Internet of […]