Hybrid vs Native vs PWA: How to Choose the Right One?
As of today, 4.1 billion Internet users are using the Internet on earth. We relate our daily life to all these statistics. And recently, there is a scandal about PWA Vs Hybrid Vs Native. So in this article, we will show an advanced enhancement for using hybrid apps, native progressive web apps, and later. Also, […]
Internet of Things: Threats and Security Challenges to Overcome
According to reports, there will be about 30 billion IoT devices in 2020-2021. This means that any or all of your home appliances, such as TVs, AC units, refrigerators, etc., may be remotely controlled. In IoT technologies, there are many security issues that will need to be solved, which will undoubtedly result in positive security […]
Incredible Apps to Make WFH Productive During Global Pandemic
Top 10 Internet of Things Companies in NYC
The Internet of Things is going to turn it around. With the rise of connected devices, everything will be automated from home appliances to whole factories, changing the way technology interacts with the physical world. Let’s find out a list of IoT company in NYC. About IoT- The Internet of Things, or IoT, relates to […]
In-depth Understanding of Hadoop and Its Components
Introduction to Hadoop- Hadoop is an open-source, Java-based framework that use to store and process big data. The data stored on low cost commodity servers running as clusters. The Hadoop framework application functions in an environment that provides distributed storage and computing across computer clusters. Hadoop designs to scale up thousands of computers from a […]
15 Famous Cloud Computing Companies in 2025
Over the last several years, cloud computing has magnified. As such, enterprises are increasingly transitioning to various cloud services. These resources include tools and applications such as data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software. Cloud computing is called as such because of accessing information located remotely in the cloud or a virtual space. Understanding Cloud […]
Redefine Mobile Applications by Features of Android 11
Android is an operating system that commonly uses today. It has grown into a growing forum for App developers. Various mobile apps are created primarily for Android. Google revealed its first developer preview of Android 11, the next Android version update of the operating system. Android is at the top with a market share of […]